Repurposing Social Media Content: The Right Way for Landscape Businesses

In today's digital marketing landscape, social media is vital for landscape businesses to attract new customers and showcase their expertise.

However, creating fresh content consistently can be time-consuming. The good news is that you can leverage existing content by repurposing it across different platforms. But there's a right way and a wrong way to do it.

The Wrong Way: Simply Copying and Pasting

It's tempting to simply copy and paste a social media post from one platform to another. However, this approach is ineffective. Each social media platform has its own unique audience and content preferences. For example, LinkedIn fosters a professional tone, while Instagram thrives on a more casual and visually appealing format. Additionally, image size and caption functionality differ across platforms.

The Right Way: Strategic Repurposing

Here are two effective strategies for repurposing social media content:

1. Tailoring Content for Different Platforms:

  • Share the same core message,...
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Unveiling the Perfect Social Media Mix for Your Landscape Business

In today's digital landscape, social media is an undeniable powerhouse for attracting new customers and showcasing your expertise. But with a plethora of platforms vying for your attention, deciding where to invest your time and resources can be overwhelming.

Here at Keldo Digital, we understand that a "one size fits all" approach simply doesn't work. The key lies in identifying the platforms that best resonate with your target audience and align with your content creation strengths.

To help you navigate this decision-making process, we've created a handy chart that considers your preferences and capabilities.

The Keldo Digital Decision Chart:

This interactive chart guides you through a series of questions to determine the ideal social media mix for your landscape business. Here's a sneak peek at some of the factors we'll explore:

  • Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? It is crucial to understand your ideal customer's demographics and online habits. Are they young...
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How to Track Your Landscaping Businessā€™s Social Media ROI the Right Way

In the business world, you've probably heard the term ROI a bunch of times, maybe even more than you'd like. It's the magic word that tells us how much money investment is making.

However, when we track ROI on social media, there are tons of ways to figure out how you're doing and if it's all worth it. But, here's the deal: not all those numbers are created equal, and they don't always paint the clearest picture.

So, when you're keeping an eye on how your landscaping business is doing on social media, which numbers should you focus on?

Let's dive in and find out together! 

Vanity Metrics 

Before we dive into the type of metrics that do work when finding your social media’s ROI, let’s find out which ones don’t work.

Vanity metrics are metrics that look impressive on paper but don't necessarily translate into business results. For example, having a large number of followers doesn't mean that they're all engaged with your content or that they're likely to...

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Which Photo-Sharing Platform is Best For Your Landscaping Business?

In the green industry, images of your projects, work, and behind-the-scenes activities are key for client engagement and lead generation. 

These platforms not only streamline photo sharing within your team, whether they're on-site or at their desks. They also provide convenient access to fresh photos for your marketing department. 

Utilizing tools like the ones here enables both your team and your marketers to access photos effortlessly.

Keep reading to find out which photo-sharing platform is the best fit for your team!


Cloud-based photo and video sharing platform for the service industry.


  • Made for the service industry Time + address stamped 
  • User-friendly 
  • Allows detailed notes on photos 
  • Project-based organization


  • Price starts at $19-$29/mo 
  • Photos can be disorganized 
  • Needs internal processes to organize


Instant messaging, photo sharing, and collaboration platform for teams.


  • ...
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10 Tips For Crew Members to Snap Social Media Worthy Photos

In the green industry, the power of captivating photos cannot be overstated. Whether you're connecting with potential clients on social media or showcasing your portfolio on your website, striking visuals can set you apart from the competition.

To ensure your business stands out, use these 10 essential tips with your crew members so they can snap social media-worthy photos.

  • Hamburger vs. Hot dog

Show your employees when to shoot vertically or horizontally. For example, Instagram story photos look best vertically, while most other videos should be shot in a horizontal frame.

  • Clean the lens and move your thumb 

We get it. Our team members are busy, hot, and playing in the mulch all day. 

But remind them before they snap a photo to clean their lens of dirt or smudges and move their thumb away before taking that amazing shot of their work!

  • Look for distractions

Train your team to scan their surroundings for distracting elements like flags, dog toys, dirty...

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3 Pinned Post Strategies for Your Landscape Business on Instagram

In the landscaping industry, Instagram is your secret weapon for showcasing your stunning work. No one can scroll past a photo of a beautiful landscape design, a perfectly manicured lawn, or a brand-new patio. 

However, as time goes by, your posts can get lost in the shuffle, and some crucial content may fade into the background. This is where the magic of pinned posts comes into play. This simple process keeps relevant posts at the top of your profile so your audience can find them easily.

But it’s crucial that you pin the right ones. Read more to discover what pinned posts are all about, and the three must-have pinned posts that will keep your clients and leads hooked!

What Are Pinned Posts? 

Think of pinned posts like sticky notes on your Instagram profile, they play a crucial role in highlighting important information. They hold a special place at the top of your profile, making them the first thing your visitors encounter. It’s like having a friendly...

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How Landscapers Can Leverage Social Media Marketing During Cornavirus

Many of my clients have asked me recently what my recommendations are for posting on social media this week and in the coming days. 

  • What are some topics we can post about? 
  • Is it appropriate to ask clients for sales still? 
  • Should we jump on the Coronavirus bandwagon and tell everyone what we’re up to? 
  • Should we continue to spend money on social media promotions? 

According to Deloitte, studies show that we primarily rate brands based on personal feelings and experiences—not information. And when a positive emotional connection is created with a company, 92% of us are more likely to stay loyal, 88% are more likely to spend more, and 91% are willing to advocate on behalf of the brand.

Not only that, people are spending a significant more amount of time on social media as they’re quarantined to the house and working from home. 

My good friend Jason Cupp noted that many employees are laid off or furloughed and they may not...

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