The Silent Website Killer: Why Bad Copy Can Cost You Clients

Imagine you're searching for a landscaper online, eager to get started on your dream backyard project. Only to land on a website riddled with typos, the message and services offered unclear, and you have no clue how to even contact them. Most likely, you will just hit the back button and move on to another website.

Unfortunately, this scenario plays out all too often. In today's digital age, your website is your online storefront, the first impression potential customers have of your business. And guess what? Bad website copy can be a silent business killer. 

Here's why crafting compelling website copy is crucial for your landscaping business:

1) First Impressions Matter 

Think back to the age-old adage: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression." This applies to your website just as much as anything else. Visitors shouldn't have to decipher cryptic messages or navigate a maze of text to understand your value proposition.

Great website copy gets straight...

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How Many Questions Should Be On Your Website Contact Form?

As a landscape business owner, you know that leads are essential to your success. But how do you generate leads from your website? One of the best ways is to use a contact form.

A contact form is like the gateway to connecting with potential customers. It's a simple form on your website that allows visitors to reach out to you. Typically, it asks for basic information such as the visitor's name, email address, and phone number, along with a message.

When a visitor submits the form, their information lands directly in your hands, providing you with a golden opportunity to establish a connection with a potential lead. But the question is, which type of contact form is the right fit for your landscaping business, and how many questions should you include?

Let's dive into the details to find out.

Types of Contact Forms

When it comes to contact forms, there's a delicate balance to strike. On one hand, you want to ask enough questions to gather the information necessary to qualify your...

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Are Popups a Good or Bad Idea to Use On Your Website?

Have you ever had that moment when browsing a website and a pop-up suddenly appears out of nowhere? Sometimes this experience can be a bit of a bother, especially if you're focused or in a hurry. 

But when you use them wisely, pop-ups can become a great tool for promoting your business's services, promotions, and offers.

Keep reading to find out which pop-ups work best for your landscaping business and when to use them!

Most Common Types of Popups 

Big and Bold

Some marketing nerds call these "Welcome Mats" for good reason. They put your offer right in front of your visitors. For example, if a visitor is looking at your landscape design services, a clear popup offering a 10% discount on a landscape design consultation might get their attention.


Banners can be put at the top or bottom of your site and stay put as visitors scroll. These are handy for suggesting newsletter subscriptions or making seasonal announcements.

Slide-In Boxes

Slide-in boxes are smaller and...

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Irrigation Company Website Development: A Sister (Company) is Born!

Dennis Evans came of age in the landscaping industry. When he was young, he found that he enjoyed the outdoor ‘chores’ his parents gave him. Mowing, weeding, minor landscaping projects- it wasn’t a bad way to spend the day.


Soon, Dennis had transformed his parents’ yard into the best on the block, and neighbors began to notice. They came to him asking for help with their own lawns and gardens, and in 2001, Dennis started a landscaping company.


Quiet Village built its reputation from the ground up. It expanded slowly into more complicated projects. Hardscaping, garden installation, functional landscaping projects. Dennis’s little company became like those trees he planted in his parents’ yard. It just kept on growing. 


Since his company’s growth happened in such an organic way, Dennis found that many of his clients were asking for the same things. They knew Quiet Village had a reputation for landscape design and...

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A Pawsitively Awesome Website Positioning and Rebranding Experience for Denver Dog Trainer


You could say that Marni Center is an animal person.


She moved from Deerfield, Illinois to Denver to study ecology and evolutionary biology. She's owned beautiful dogs and had so much fun training them that she completed The Animal Behavior College’s Dog Training program after she graduated. Since then, she’s made dog training her career, and she’s trained dogs all over the Denver area.


As Marni became more involved with the world of dog training, she began to find problems with some of the training methods her peers were using. That’s because many of them were using a method called Aversion Training.


Marni working on training with a client's dog


Aversion Training is a very common strategy for training dogs in the US and aims to expel unwanted behavior by utilizing things that are unpleasant to the dog such as shock collars, loud noises, and spray bottles. While this method often seems like it is working in...

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